
Crimson 광장

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Only for Korea University Alumnus
이메일 마케팅에 중요한 10가지
Posted by 총연 Bt_email

임정숙 선배님이 올려주신 글입니다.

The Ten Most Important Tips for Email Marketers

Let’s begin with the most important information first. Here is what we feel are the ten most important tips for anyone managing the email marketing process.

1. Only send emails to persons who have requested to receive them.

2. Only include content relevant to the type of content the person has requested.

3. Be consistent with your sending frequency. Pick a schedule, whether it is weekly, biweekly, or monthly as long as you are able to keep to that schedule.

4. In most cases, it is best to send BtoB emails Tuesday through Thursday. We’ve found that the best times of the day to send are just after the start of the day around 9:30am or just after lunch around 1:30pm. It is best to avoid sending business to business emails after 4pm or on weekends.

5. In most cases, it is best to send business to consumer emails either between 5pm and 8pm Tuesday through Thursday or between Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

6. To improve deliverability add a message at the top of your emails that says something like: “To ensure receipt of our emails, please add to your Address Book.”

7. Make the From Name for your messages either your company name or the name of a person at your company. Once you choose a From Name, keep it consistent. During the split second decision subscribers make whether to open your email, the most important factor in their decision is whether the From Name is familiar to them.

8. Be sure to include both a plain text and an HTML version of your newsletter. iContact will automatically detect which subscribers can view the HTML message and which can only see the plain text message. If you don’t include a plain text message, at least 5% of your recipients will see a message with nothing in it.

9. Don’t use all caps or multiple exclamation marks within your subject line or body. Doing this will trigger spam filters. See our section on Deliverability Best Practices for additional words to avoid.

10. Build your list at every opportunity you have. If you have a retail location, add a pointofsale sign up form. At conferences or events, ask everyone you speak with if you may add them to your list after you exchange business cards. Finally, add your newsletter signup form to every page on your web site. You can use the signup form generator within iContact to automatically generate the code you need.

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